(A few pages of the first draft of the sales pitch)
For a while I wasn't sure how much I wanted to talk about this on the blog. Afterall, this is a kilt blog, not a book blog. But writing, producing, designing, sellinng, and publishing a book is a fascinating process (at least to me) and I thought it might be fun to chronicle some of it for you too.
A few months back, in a marathon writing session, I wrote most of the story. I wrote for about six hours a day and got a little over seven thousand words down on paper. I showed it around to some friends at work, got a little feedback, hinted at it with an agent (who had been in the office for something else) and then frankly, I left it alone for a while.
I eventually sent it to my friend Donna Mehalko and asked if she'd be interested in illustrating the book with me; then we could sell it together (of self-publish if we had no takers). She read it, agreed whole heardetly, and after another few months we finally sat down to talk about it. We talked style, looked through the text for images we wanted to create, and she went home to do some sketching. She came back the next week with some lovely illustrations, some black and white sketches, and some great ideas.
Which brings us to about now. I'm still editing the book, she's making some more illustrations, and I'm putting together a sales package to present to agents/publishers. I've been doing the layout in InDesign (it helps being a graphic designer by day) and then printing it out in my office. The photo above is the first draft of the proposal. It will include a few pages about the book, some quotes from authors saying how funny and brilliant it is, statistics about kilt wearers, and the first few chapters of the book.
So, there's the story so far. I'll try not to bore you with the details, while still keeping you informed of what's happenening. I'm inredibly excited (not the least to be working with Donna) and probably overly hopeful. But a little hope, a lot of hard work, and some support from friends and family go a long way.
So, here it goes!
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